Woodward High School - Cincinnati Ohio
Class of 1974
Alma Mater-Motto-Creed-Ode
Alma Mater
Oh Alma Mater, Woodward High
We pledge our true devotion
Thy sons and daughters chant thy praise
From ocean to ocean.
Like those who through thy hundred years
Thy light have carried onward,
I pledge my heart,my head,my hand,
To thy ideals, Woodward!
I pledge my heart,my head,my hand,
And bid thee God Speed, Woodward!
Oh, William Woodward,Founder great,
Whose name we ever cherish,
Thy deathless story lives in us,
Thy precepts never perish.
Still strong and dauntless through the years
Thy children carry onward.
I pledge my heart, my head, my hand
To thy ideals,Woodward.
I pledge my heart, my head, my hand,
And bid thee God speed Woodward!
ESSE QUAM VIDERI (To be rather than seem to be)
The Woodward Creed
God of our individual faiths, we ask for Thy continuing guidance. Help us not only to understand Thy teachings, but to practice them daily. Thou has given us so much; accept our humble thanks. Amen
Ode to Woodward
(1st verse)
Day that brings to minds and hearts,
Names that quick pulsation starts;
Hear the voice in each clime
Mingle in the grateful chime
Gladly praising throughout time,
Mingle in the grateful chime
Woodward, Woodward, Woodward, All Hail!
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